An inline flexo or (offset printed and married to a pressure sensitive label) produced multi-panel foldout label laminated or glued to a die cut pressure sensitive label. Up to 14 flexo colors for inline and unlimited colors for offset and marry. Comes in a variety of constructions including dry release, multi-perf, piggy-back, multi-layer, patterned adhesive and encapsulated. Smallest size is 5/8″ x 1/2″ Very low priced particularly in higher quantities. Bar coding and ink jet consecutive numbering and variable printing. Auto application at speeds greater than 400 per minute. Great for IRC’s, game promotions, rebates, tie-ins, premium offers, bounce-back coupons, overlay promotions, recipes, partnership offers, cross promotions and other value added promotions. If not auto applying, we can produce in sheets or small rolls such as 100 per roll.
Comments: IRC’s and Rebates are a great way to give your product a sales boost.Coupon constructions are the most inexpensive foldout labels.
We make the ordering process easy. We send you a custom template in the program of your choice. You fill it out and send it back. We generate proofs. You approve and we produce and ship your job in about 12-15 working days on average. Template examples for a standard foldout label and a round foldout label.
The study below illustrates how Instant Redeemable Coupons are THE MOST powerful way to stimulate demand and get consumers to try new brands. 27.2% of planned purchases switched brands when a deal was offered; 64.3% of unplanned purchases switched brands when a deal was offered. This study was created by NCH marketing Services. NCH is a global coupon processing and promotion information management company. See chart stats below:
- Sunday FSI 1.3%
- Newspaper 0.8%
- Magazine 1.0%
- Direct Mail 3.2%
- Regular in-pack 6.3%
- Regular on-pack 8.4%
- In-pack, cross-ruff 4.7%
- On-pack, cross-ruff 5.8%
- IRC 18.1%
- IRC, cross-ruff 5.3%
- On-shelf 8.3%
- Electron dispensed 7.2%

- Sunday FSI 0.8%
- Newspaper 0.4%
- Magazine 0.6%
- Direct Mail 3.5%
- Regular in-pack 2.6%
- Regular on-pack 13.7%
- In-pack, cross-ruff 8.4%
- On-pack, cross-ruff 6.2%
- IRC 40.8%
- IRC, cross-ruff 4.9%
- On-shelf 5.8%
- Electron dispensed 4.8%